12 Herbs That will Really Get Your Blood Going

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Yarrow

This plant is well-known for its feathery leaves and wide white flowers, but few know about its amazing health benefits. Yarrow dilates the capillaries and tones the blood vessels. Mixed with lime blossom and hawthorn, yarrow is a very effective treatment for high blood pressure, as well as for preventing blood clots. This herb decongests the capillaries, allowing blood to flow properly and stimulating peripheral circulation.


8. Garlic

Garlic is perhaps the most versatile herb. Researchers have found that raw garlic, with its high amounts of alllicin, improves blood flow while acting as a diuretic to remove excess fluid. Many people with poor circulation have swollen joints, fingers or ankles. Garlic can remove the excess fluids that cause swelling. British scientists found that garlic tablets increase blood flow to the body and reduce the risk of heart disease.


9. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is valuable not only for its ability to improve blood sugar levels, but also for improving circulation. Cinnamon has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries as a warming agent that improves both digestion and circulation. There have been several studies showing that it has positive cardiovascular effects. The active compound in cinnamon, coumarin, is famous for having compounds that help thin the blood. You shouldn’t consume cinnamon if you are already taking blood thinners. Ask your doctor or herbalist about how much cinnamon is right for you.

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