12 High Fat Foods That Are Surprisingly Healthy

Organic Hard Boiled Eggs

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Eggs

In the past, many people avoided whole eggs because they were told that they contained unhealthy levels of fat and cholesterol. Due to better technology, we now know that the cholesterol in eggs does not affect the cholesterol in the blood. Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world, and they have almost every single nutrient the human body needs. They have powerful antioxidants which protect the eyes; an important nutrient for the brain that most people do not get enough of called choline; and they can even help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Even though eggs are high in fat, studies show that those who replace their morning cereal with eggs end up eating fewer calories throughout the day. So don’t pitch the yolk —  it’s the most nutritious part of the egg! Eat two for breakfast, and you will be giving your body a head start on some healthy fat and nutrition that it can use all day long.

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