12 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Weighing Themselves

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

9. What Are You Wearing?

If you are wearing hiking boots, a leather jacket, or any other type of heavy clothing, don’t step on the scale “just to check.” Clothes can make you weigh as much as 8 pounds more, so wearing underwear or your birthday suit is the best option.


10. Where Is Your Scale?

Do you put your scale on the carpet in your bedroom? On the bathroom rug? On the bathmat? Scales are most accurate when you set them on a solid surface such as tile, concrete, or wood floors. Unless, of course, you like the lower reading that you get on the carpeted floor!


11. Did You Just Work Out?

Unless you want to measure your pre- and post-workout hydration levels, there is no reason to put yourself on the scale after a workout. Although it is easy to lose about 2.5 pounds of water after a hard workout, it will come right back as soon as you drink some water, so don’t kid yourself.


READ ALSO: How Much of This Do You Need to Do to Lose Weight?


12. In the End

If you are happy with the way you look, if you feel good, if you are in good health, who cares what the heck a scale says anyway? If you look in the mirror and you are happy with yourself, screw that number.




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