12 Natural Antibiotics: No Prescription Required!


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7. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is extremely tiny particles of silver, suspended in a fluid, and has been used for centuries for the treatment of everything from eye infections to skin infections to pneumonia. Colloidal silver disables the enzymes that bacteria need in order to multiply.


8.  Habanero and Horseradish

These are little known antibiotics that work by exciting and quickening the body as it energizes it as well. The oils in horseradish are similar to the ones in mustard. In the body, these oils have powerful antibiotic compounds that get broken down once they reach the stomach, however, for throat, mouth, and upper respiratory infections, both horseradish and habanero chilies are terrific natural alternatives to prescription antibiotics.


9. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

There are too many health benefits in coconut oil to list them here, but for this article, we can tell you that coconut oil has natural anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties, along with powerful antioxidants, that simply cannot be beat, nor are they found in any other substance on Earth.  When you consume coconut oil, it improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, balances blood sugar levels, as well as balances thyroid function. Completely safe to use internally and externally by anyone and everyone. Extra virgin coconut oil is perhaps one of the best and most versatile gifts Mother Nature has to offer.

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