12 Ways To Treat ADHD Without Drugs (#8 Is Quite Different)

Fish Oil Capsules

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7. Fish Oil

Fish oil has been found to be very successful in curbing the symptoms of ADHD in both children and adults. Researchers believe that a lack of a certain type of polyunsaturated fatty acids might contribute to psychiatric disorders such as dyslexia and ADHD. Choose a fish oil supplement that has a high ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have been shown in many studies to improve concentration levels and memory. Eat at least 3 servings a week of cold water fish such as trout, salmon, and sardines. You should consult with your doctor before you or your child consumes a fish oil supplement for proper dosing information.


8. Yoga And Tai Chi

Yoga and tai chi have also been shown to benefit those with ADHD. The physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques that are practiced in yoga help to strengthen, yet calm, the central nervous system. Yoga is very beneficial for children as it helps them not only learn how to control and relax their bodies, but they learn discipline, which can help them to learn to manage their own ADHD symptoms naturally.

The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies published a study finding that children who attended tai chi classes twice a week had far fewer feelings of anxiety, improved conduct, fewer inappropriate emotions, less daydreaming, and much less hyperactivity. Of course, for this to be successful, your child must be interested in these activities. Forcing them to do these exercises will be a waste of time if they do not enjoy them; however, many children find yoga and tai chi to be fun, especially if they do them along with an enthusiastic parent.


9. Korean Red Ginseng

Korean red ginseng is often used in alternative medicine as a memory enhancer. This memory boosting power can often help those with ADHD. The Journal of Ginseng Research published an observational study from 2011 which found that the consumption of Korean red ginseng improved the attention span of those diagnosed with ADHD. This herb is best consumed in cycles. For the correct dosage, consult with your doctor.

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