15 Cancer Warning Signs Men Tend to Ignore but Shouldn’t

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OK, guys, let’s face it. You eat well most of the time, you work out as often as your schedule lets you, you work hard, you party hard but when it comes time to see a doctor…well, most guys are AWOL.

You can greatly reduce your odds of developing cancer, but the truth is that no one is 100 percent immune, especially if it runs in your family. The best way to beat cancer is to catch it early. You can kick this sucker out of your life if you find it early but to do that you need to pay attention to some early symptoms and warnings signs. Then, when you see those signs, go talk to the doc.

Keep reading and become familiar with the top 15 early warning signs of cancer that most men tend to ignore but you really shouldn’t.


1. Pain That Doesn’t Go Away

Although cancer in and of itself generally does not cause pain, once it spreads it tends to push, pull, or cause pain in other parts of the body. If you have pain in any part of the body that does not go away within 4 to 6 weeks, see your doctor.


2. Extreme Fatigue

Cancer tends to suck up a person’s energy, leaving you feeling tired all the time; tired right down to your bones! This is a different kind of feeling than how you feel after playing soccer with your kids all day or even after you have had a super hectic week at work. This is a kind of exhaustion that makes you feel as if no matter how much you have slept, you are still exhausted when you wake up. If you are feeling this way too often, you should consider seeing a doctor.


3. Fever

A fever is not usually a bad thing; most times it simply means your body is fighting some type of infection. But fevers that don’t go away and don’t have an explanation can be a sign of blood cancer or leukemia.

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4. Changes in the Mouth

If you smoke or chew tobacco, or if you are a heavy drinker, this one is especially important, as you have a much higher risk of developing oral cancer. Any changes in your lips, tongue, or the inside of your mouth should be looked at by a qualified dentist or doctor right away. Be on the lookout especially for white or red patches on the inside of the mouth or on the lips.


5.  Difficulty Swallowing

Although most people experience a little difficulty swallowing from time to time, if you find that this is an ongoing problem for you, especially if this feeling is accompanied by vomiting or if you are losing weight because you can’t swallow like you used to, you should see your doctor. These are often signs of throat or stomach cancer.


6. Changes in Your Skin

Skin changes can mean skin cancer. Some skin cancers are minor problems that can be dealt with quickly right in your doctor’s office. However, they could be a sign of a deadly type of skin cancer known as melanoma. Any mole that changes color, bleeds, or any new mole that has an irregular shape to it should be looked at as soon as possible. Also, if you have any areas of skin that are red or brownish and look like a sore but do not heal can also be skin cancers.

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7. Changes in Your Testicles

If you find a lump, feel a type of heaviness, or notice any other changes in your testicles, you should have it looked at right away. Prostate cancer tends to grow very slowly, but not testicular cancer, which can skyrocket out of control in weeks. Your doctor will do an ultrasound of your scrotum, which will not hurt but will help your doctor determine the problem.


8. Problems When You Pee

Although most men experience some type of problem when they pee as they grow older, such as leaking, dribbling, difficulty starting to urinate or needing to pee more often, this is generally due to an enlarged prostate. Sometimes, however, it is due to cancer of the prostate, especially if you are a man under 50 years of age. If you find you are having difficulties going pee, see your doctor as soon as possible.


9. Blood in Your Stool or Urine

Blood in either your stool or urine are often the first signs of bladder cancer, colon cancer, or kidney cancer. Even if you have no other symptoms, you should see a doctor right away. There are plenty of other things that cause blood in the urine or stool, but you should find out right away so that you can treat the cause.

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10. Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are small, bean shaped glands that are found all over the body, directly under the jaw, in your neck, armpits, groin, and many other places. When they swell, this usually means that they are fighting some type of infection. However, there are certain types of cancer that can also make them become enlarged. If you have lymph nodes that have become swollen and they have not gone down within 2 to 4 weeks, see your doctor.


11.  Persistent Heartburn

Most cases of heartburn disappear with proper diet, the removal of caffeine and alcohol, and lifestyle changes, such as learning to manage stress. However, some men find that even after they make changes they still have persistent heartburn. This is sometimes a sign of stomach or throat cancer.


12. Unexplained Weight Loss

If you aren’t deliberately trying to drop a few pounds but you find that your pants are a bit loose, it could simply be that your thyroid is out of whack or that stress is causing you to eat less. But if you jump on the scale and find that you have lost more than 10 pounds, you should see a doctor. Although most unexplained weight loss is not a result of cancer, it sometimes is. Cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon, or lungs can all cause a person to lose weight without trying.

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13. Changes in Your Breasts

Most men simply ignore any lumps in their breasts because they think breast cancer is only something that affects women. Although it’s true that more women than men develop breast cancer, at least 1 percent of all breast cancer cases are men, which means they tend to get diagnosed much later, and at much more advanced stages than most female cases of breast cancer. If you find a lump in your breasts, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.


14. Nagging Cough

Most nagging coughs (for non-smokers) generally happen after a cold or flu infection and can even last as long as 4 weeks. However, if your cough has gone on longer than that, or if your cough has blood or you frequently feel short of breath, do not delay a visit to your doctor. If you smoke, it’s even more important that you see a doctor right away. A nagging cough, especially when combined with other symptoms or if you smoke, is the most common sign of lung cancer.


SEE ALSO: Top 6 Cancer Signs Many Women Miss


15.  Stomach Pain and Depression

This is a strange combination, but a stomach ache, combined with feelings of depression, are a common sign of cancer of the pancreas. Of course you could simply have the blues and a stomach ache because your cooking skills stink but especially if cancer runs in your family; you should see a doctor and rule out this type of cancer.

Your doctor can do an assessment to evaluate your risk of developing cancer. This way you can make better health and lifestyle choices and keep your body as healthy and cancer free as humanly possible.




