15 Effective Ways To Treat Herpes Outbreaks (#8 Is Kinda Cool!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Aloe Vera Gel

Almost every type of skin problem can be helped with aloe vera. You can apply fresh aloe vera gel from a leaf to reduce the redness, itching, and pain, as well as encourage the sore to heal faster. Use twice each day for best results. You can also consume aloe vera juice once each day to help heal the sores from the inside.


11. Herbal Teas

Some of the best herbal teas to use for the treatment of herpes are lemon, ginger, and cinnamon tea. You can also mix these three teas or add fresh lemon juice to ginger or cinnamon tea. Drink two or three cups of tea each day to help sores heal from the inside. You can soak a rag in the tea and apply it to the affected areas as well.


12. Baking Soda

This is a very old home remedy that is fairly effective in stopping the pain and itching. It also helps to dry up the cold sore so that it will heal more quickly.  Use a cotton ball to apply some baking soda directly to the sore. Do this as often as needed to keep the sore dry and relieve itching.

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