15 Effective Ways To Treat Herpes Outbreaks (#8 Is Kinda Cool!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Honey

With its powerful anti-viral compounds, honey is a natural for helping herpes cold sores heal faster. Apply raw, organic honey directly on the affected areas and allow it to work for 30 to 60 minutes, then rinse off and pat dry. Repeat at least twice a day for best results. Also, for even faster healing, use Manuka honey, the most powerful of all types of honey, hands down.


14. Oils

Natural oils such as olive oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, rosemary oil, and oregano oil can all help a cold sore heal faster. All of these oils have anti-viral compounds that fight back against the herpes virus. Use a cotton ball to apply the oil of your choice to the affected area two or three times each day. Allow the oil for work for 30 to 60 minutes, then rinse off and pat dry.


15. Black Coffee

This is perhaps one of the oldest remedies for cold sores. Make a very strong cup of plain black coffee and allow it to cool until it is just warm, not hot. If you have sores inside your mouth, you can gargle or rinse your mouth with the coffee two or three times. For sores on the lips or other places, soak a cotton cloth in the coffee and apply it to the affected area(s) for 15 minutes. Repeat twice each day for best results.

You should also reduce stress and be sure that you are getting plenty of rest during this time. Stress and lack of sleep often bring on an outbreak and make any outbreak worse. Eat a healthy diet and get 15 to 30 minutes of sunshine each day to keep up your vitamin D levels.

Keep in mind that although herpes outbreaks are no fun, this, too, shall pass.





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