15 of the Best Natural Remedies to Improve Acne Scars

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Sometimes it’s hard to know which is worse: dealing with acne or the scarring that acne leaves behind. Although you can go to your local pharmacy or drug store for some over the counter preparations, these can be really harsh on the skin and actually make scarring worse.

There are plenty of natural remedies to help lessen the appearance of acne scars and we have compiled a list of the top 15. Natural remedies take a bit of time to do their work, so be patient, and if one method doesn’t seem to work for you, try another one.


1. Lemon Juice

This is perhaps the best treatment when it comes to acne scars. You can cut a lemon and rub the cut portion over your scars and allow it to work for 3 to 5 minutes. You can alternately use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and rub it over your scars. After 5 minutes, rinse your face with cool water. Lemon juice is a terrific exfoliator that will encourage the growth of new skin cells. Always use a moisturizer afterwards, since lemon juice can dry out the skin.


2. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is actually the fatty part of cacao seeds. It’s an excellent moisturizer that can not only help to lessen the appearance of acne scars, but can actually prevent new ones.


3. Coconut Oil

This oil is loaded with tons of skin healthy vitamin E, caprylic, and lauric acid that also reduce the scarring from acne. Like cocoa butter, coconut oil can also help to prevent the new scars. Massage coconut oil into the affected areas twice per day.


4. Vitamin E

This vitamin is crucial for healthy looking human skin. Vitamin E will deeply moisturize your skin and make those scars less noticeably. Vitamin E works with the vitamin A in your body. Together, this dynamic duo will give you super soft, supple, and blemish free skin. In fact, studies show that a vitamin E deficiency can lead to acne or dry skin. Be sure to consume at least 1,000mg of vitamin E orally. You can use those pills topically as well. First, steam your face so that your pores are open. Pierce the capsule and squeeze out the vitamin E oil, then massage the oil into the affected areas until the oil has been absorbed. Allow to penetrate the skin for 15 to 30 minutes, and then wash your face as you normally would. Do this every day for best results.


5. Honey

Not only great for treating acne scars, but for helping to reduce acne breakouts to begin with! Honey is super gentle on the skin. It reduces redness and irritation as well. Honey contains antibacterial compounds that will help eliminate acne and blackheads as well as fade previous acne scars. Honey will also moisturize and soften the skin. Massage a small amount of honey into your skin at night before bed and then wash it off in the morning. Always use raw, organic honey, and not that junk off of the supermarket shelves.

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