15 Proven Ways To Eat More And Burn Fat Like A Furnace!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Coconut Oil

Yes, coconut oil contains fat, but the fats in this oil are very different than almost any other oil on earth. They contain a type of fatty acid which are called medium chain triglycerides. The body metabolizes these types of fats differently. Studies have shown that these fatty acids satisfy your hunger quickly. People who eat coconut oil burn up to 120 calories more through their increased metabolism while eating about 256 fewer calories due to feeling more full.

Other studies have shown that coconut oil reduces belly fat, which is really good for those who tend to have “apple” shapes and hold their weight in their abdomen. Most studies have subjects consume only 2 tablespoons of coconut oil each day. How many foods do you know of where you can eat just 2 tablespoons worth and lose weight around your middle? Coconut oil is simply amazing!

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