15 Super Foods That Naturally Lower Cholesterol (Can’t Get Enough Of #14!)

Spinach leaves in a wooden plate

Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Spinach

Well, Popeye knew that spinach was healthy but he probably didn’t know that it could lower cholesterol levels! This is one of those “helps whatever ails you” foods. Add more spinach to your diet, and watch those cholesterol numbers drop! Most leafy greens, including Swiss chard, turnip greens, and kale, are good for what ails you.


5. Oranges

You probably thought that foods that lower cholesterol was going to be bland or gross, didn’t you?! Sweet, juicy oranges are a true super food that can lower cholesterol, and those are neither bland nor gross! The American Society for Clinical Nutrition published a study in their journal in 2000 which found that subjects who consumed orange juice each day had improved blood lipid profiles than those who did not indulge. You can eat two or three oranges each day, or drink two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice to naturally lower your cholesterol levels.

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