15 Ways to Feel Happier and Less Stressed Out Every Day

Music - woman wearing headphones listening to music with music n

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Listen to Music

Music is well-known for having restorative and healing power. Music can reduce depression, increase self-esteem, and lower stress levels. Although most people think that only classical music can calm the savage beast, any music that makes you happy and feel good is the type of music that you should listen to.


11. Do a few Breathing Exercises

One of the oldest ways to gain control of your mind and your life is through breathing exercises. There are plenty of them to choose from, but studies have shown breathing exercises relieve tension and calm the mind. You can try something called “Equal Breathing” where you inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of four. Keep a nice thought in your mind while you are doing this, such as breathing in beautiful bright light and breathing out stress.


12.  Eat a Sweet

We aren’t talking about eating a box of cookies or twelve Twinkies, but just one piece of candy or one piece of dark chocolate can actually reduce both psychological and physical stress. Sugar reduces the production of a stress-related hormone called glucocorticoid. Again, don’t think that this gives you permission to eat a 6 pack of peanut butter cups, but one really satisfying candy can make that meeting seem a lot less stressful.

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One Comment

  1. Sayaka T

    Jun 30, 2017 at 11:34 am

    It’s important to get your rest.
    Worry too much?
    Learn how to stress less here: