16 Health and Wellness Trends in 2014

soy is not healthy

Photo credit: bigstock

9. Fake Meat and Eggs

Some big companies are getting attention for their production of fake meat and egg products. These are usually made from soy and they are making vegans super happy. There’s even a veggie “fast food” outlet called Veggie Grill, which is making great headway in serving up these types of substitutes. Although soy is mainly a GMO product; we haven’t heard anyone complaining about that yet. This is most likely going to be a big up and coming topic in 2014.


10. Lights and Health

With recent studies showing that different lighting conditions can cause serious problems with your mood, sleep, and even affect your health, look for this topic to be brought up again and again this year. Some studies have even suggested that artificial lighting messes with your natural body clock and might be the main force behind as of yet unexplained diseases. Look for new types of light bulbs that are designed to be better for our health. Read more how daylight savings time influenices us.


11. HPP Juice

Everybody’s jumping on the juicing wagon! Due to new technology, HPP (high pressure processing) juicing is now on a national scale. Using pressure instead of heat allows the extended shelf life of juice and allowing them to be shipped to chain stores. Although the thought of mass produced juicing may rub some purists the wrong way, you can bet your bottom dollar you are going to see a lot more of it on your supermarket shelves.


12. Moderation

Unfortunately, for some people, being healthy can become an obsession which is not really healthy at all. We all know someone like that; the sickest healthy person around. Were you aware there is even a name for this issue? Orthorexia. Real health is having a good balance at work and home. A very wise person once said, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” That sounds like good advice and people are going to be saying exactly this in 2014.

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