18 All Natural Remedies for Headaches

Attractive Man Breathing Outdoor

Photo credit: bigstock

10. Stretch, relax, and breathe

Our lives today are busy, hectic, fast paced, and filled with more than just a little stress. Our muscles tend to get knotted up around the shoulders, upper back, and neck, often resulting in a tension headache. Sometimes, instead of a pill, what we really need is to chill.

Try yoga. It will focus your mind and stretch out those muscles (read more about yoga benefits for your health). Or try deep breathing. Many times, when we are stressed out or are in pain, we tend to hold our breath or breathe very shallowly. Always remember to drop your shoulders. When sitting at our desks, typing away on our computers, we tend to hold our shoulders hunched up around our ears. Drop those shoulders to avoid headaches.


11. Move it

Ok, so a pounding headache does not necessarily inspire you to get up and moving but sometimes moving those muscles and breathing in some fresh air is exactly what you need. Take your time, don’t do anything too strenuous, but sometimes a nice brisk walk outside will make both your mind and body feel better.


12. Try fish oil

There have been a few small studies that have shown how taking fish oil can reduce migraines and other headache pains. This is due to the omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation as well as blood pressure.


13. Try hot….or cold

Headaches can be tricky little things to pin down. What works for one person doesn’t work for someone else. For some, headaches are cause by the expanded blood vessels pressing on nerves. In that case, applying something cold to the affected area should work. However, if the headache is caused by tension or tight muscles, you need heat to release the pressure. Try to determine which type of headache you have. Try a cold compress first. If that doesn’t work, then try taking a hot bath.


14. Avoid MSG

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is often added to food, especially Chinese food, to enhance the flavor. Some people who suffer from headaches find that foods that contain MSG trigger headaches. Never add MSG to your foods and read labels to be sure that what you are eating does not contain MSG. Chinese food, soy based products, and canned veggies are famous for having added MSG.


15. Sit up straight

Improving your posture can make a huge difference when it comes to those tension headaches. A great many of us spend our days working in offices, hunched over a computer and many of us are guilty of having poor posture. Slouching, slumping and hunching only strain our muscles and creates those killer headaches. If you sit a lot, use an ergonomic chair. Work on strengthening your core muscles as these are the ones that support our backs.


16. Use that imagination

Visualization, sometimes called mental imagery, has been shown to be effective in reducing headache pain. There are numerous guided imagery coaches, but you can do this on your own. Picture a beautiful spot, a mental escape, where everything is calm, peaceful, and pain free.


17. Crunch a bit of gingerroot

Gingerroot is an all-natural alternative to aspirin as it works much the same way. Also, for those of you who tend to feel nauseous from migraines, gingerroot calms nervous stomachs at the same time. Try making a nice cup of gingerroot tea and watch while your headache dissipates.


18. Try peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has long been known to calm both upset stomachs and easing headache pain. Try massaging a bit of peppermint oil at your temples, back of your jaw, forehead, or back of the neck. If it irritates your skin, mix it with a few drops of sweet almond oil or olive oil first to take the sting out of it.



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