20 Things You Never Imagined You Could Do With A Cucumber (#12 is Shocking!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Stop Bad Breath

If you want to stop bad breath in a heartbeat but there is no toothbrush in sight, put a slice of cucumber on your tongue and suck out the juice while rolling it around in your mouth. Then chew and swallow the cucumber slice or spit it out. The phytochemicals in cucumber will temporarily kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.


14. Polish Shoes

No, we aren’t kidding. In a pinch, you can polish shoes by rubbing a cucumber slice over the shoes, then polish with a soft, dry cloth. Beats carrying shoe polish around all the time!


15. Improve Digestion

If you suffer from digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion, gastritis, or even ulcers, many of these problems can be treated by simply eating a cucumber each day or drinking the juice from a cucumber. Cucumbers contain an enzyme called erepsin, which helps the body digest protein.


16. WD-40 Substitute

Although it won’t last as long as the real thing, if you need something lubricated and you are out of WD-40, you can rub a slice of cucumber on the area, and it will do the trick.

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