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20 Things You Never Knew About “Down There”

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We have talked about butts, colons, prostates, erectile dysfunction and poop, so why not talk about what most women commonly refer to as “down there” — or vaginas.
All women have one, so why not? We all came from one, so there is nothing “dirty” about them even though most people are reluctant to talk about them. Since we talk about everything else, we thought we would fill you in with some super interesting and cool facts about vaginas while raising some awareness about cervical cancer.
1. The Origin of the Word
The word vagina can be roughly translated as “Sword Holder” in Latin. We are sure you never thought of it quite that way before!
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2. Abnormal Bleeding
This is one of the possible signs of cervical cancer, especially after menopause — bleeding that occurs between periods or after intercourse.
3. A speculum
Believe it or not, the tool that doctors use to look at vaginas, called a speculum, has been used since at least 1300 BC!
4. Unusual Discharge
Although some types of unusual discharges occur because of vaginosis, yeast infections, or menopause, it is sometimes a sign of cervical cancer. This should be investigated by your doctor.
5. Bacterial Balance
The vagina is a treasure chest of bacteria. In fact, some of the good bacteria that is found in vaginas is the same type that is found in yogurt, which is why eating yogurt can restore the natural bacterial balance.
6. Pain or Discomfort
If you feel pain or discomfort while you are urinating, this could be a sign of cervical cancer. This is because cervical cancer often spreads to the bladder. Of course, this could also be a sign of a urinary tract infection. The source of your pain should be investigated by your doctor.
7. ‘Umbrella’
The walls of the vagina are pleated, like an umbrella, and they open up much the same way during intercourse or when giving birth. You will never look at umbrellas the same way again.
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8. Painful Sex
Pain or discomfort during sex can also be a sign of cervical cancer. This generally means that the cancer has spread into the reproductive organs of the body. If you are going through menopause, this could be due to dryness. The root cause of this problem needs to be investigated by your doctor.
9. Self-cleaning
A healthy vagina is completely self-cleaning. You don’t need perfume, douches, or special soaps. Those things are nothing more than marketing ploys to get you to buy something.
10. Heavier or Longer Menstrual Periods
If your periods change over time and become longer than normal or heavier than they used to be, this could be due to irritation of the cervix, possibly due to cancer.
11. Interesting Statistics
The highest number of orgasms ever achieved by a woman within a one-hour period was 134. Consider this: The highest number ever achieved by a male in the same time frame is 16.
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12. Unexplained Weight Loss
If you are not dieting or exercising more than you usually do but you are losing weight fairly steadily, this could be a sign of cancer.
13. Sizes…
The average vagina is only three or four inches long. That’s it. However, once sexually aroused, it can expand by more than 200 percent! What man can claim that?!
14. Incontinence
Although many women find that they experience periods of incontinence, if you find that you are experiencing periods of incontinence that have a hint of blood in it, you should be checked out by your doctor as quickly as possible.
15. Lubrication
What do sharks and vaginas have in common? They both have a natural lubricant called squalene.
16. General Body Pain
A very common symptom of cancer is general pain, especially if it occurs in the lower back, legs, or the pelvic area. Many women also experience swelling of the lower legs and ankles because, as cancer spreads, it blocks the blood flow.
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17. Pubic Hair
The hair on your head has a lifespan of about three years. Your pubic hair? Only about three weeks.
18. Unrelenting Fatigue
Constant, unrelenting fatigue could be a sign of cervical cancer, especially when combined with other symptoms on this list. Your body becomes tired as it tries to fight the disease. Fatigue is a very common symptom of numerous diseases; however, if you are experiencing fatigue in combination with other symptoms, you should see your doctor to rule out cervical cancer.
19. The Clitoris
The clitoris has about 8,000 nerve endings. The penis only half that amount.
READ ALSO: 11 Most Powerful Foods To Protect You From Cancer
20. Anemia
Anemia occurs when there has been a decline in the number of red blood cells. These cells are replaced by white blood cells. A lack of red blood cells deprives the body of oxygen. If your doctor has told you that you are anemic, and you are experiencing other symptoms on this list, speak to your doctor about being tested for cervical cancer.
Well, these are certainly interesting facts that you probably could have lived your life without knowing, but we hope you are paying attention to the symptoms of cervical cancer.