22 Natural Treatments For Rosacea (#15 is Outrageously Easy)

Fresh Turmeric

Photo credit: bigstock.com

1.  Turmeric

One of the reasons doctors give you antibiotics is calm the inflammation of rosacea. Antibiotics, however, will kill the delicate balance of your digestive system, which also means you will be destroying most of your immune system. You can fight inflammation by consuming turmeric, one of the most anti-inflammatory spices on the planet. You can mix one tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of milk each day, and drink it in the morning. You can also make a natural turmeric mask by mixing some turmeric powder with just enough coconut oil to make a paste. Apply this paste to your face and allow it to sit 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Repeat two or three times each week. This will help to fight inflammation from both the inside and the outside.


2.  Feverfew

Although most people take this herb as a supplement or as a tea, you will want to use it as a compress. The University of Louisville found that a topical application of feverfew prevents blood from pooling in the capillaries, which reduces redness.


3. Cucumber

Cucumber is well known for reducing swollen blood vessels and easing redness. Try making a cucumber mask by grinding some fresh, organic cucumber in your blender, then applying this mush to your face. Allow to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Repeat once each day to see results in about four weeks.


4. Licorice Root

This ancient herb is well-known for its powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, especially for the skin. One study, performed in 2008 at the University of Science and Technology, found that licorice root extracts contained flavonoids, glycyrrhizin, phytosterols, and coumarins, all of which can help reduce redness in the skin.


5.  Chamomile Compress

A compress made with mild, soothing chamomile oil can help to reduce the redness that comes with rosacea. Make some strong chamomile tea, and cool it completely in the refrigerator. Dip a washrag in this mixture and allow the damp rag to sit on your face for 15 to 20 minutes each day. If you are allergic to ragweed, marigolds, or daisies, you should avoid this treatment.

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