4 Ways to Combat Health Risks in Your Bedroom

Young Man Is Sitting In Bed And eating Chicken

Photo credit: bigstock

4. Watch what you eat and drink before bed

You don’t want to go to bed feeling stuffed or feeling hungry. Yes, a glass of wine might calm your nerves but it keeps the body awake when your mind wants to sleep. It’s a good idea to not drink alcohol after dinnertime.

Also, eating too close to bedtime tends to cause busy dreams or nightmares which can keep you from getting quality sleep.

Be sure to stop eating at least 2 hours before bed, to allow your body time to digest that food.

Of course, everyone is different and all these rules don’t apply to everyone. Quality sleep is more important than quantity, which is why the typical suggestion of 6-9 hours of sleep is omitted here. You might consider using a sleep tracker which can give you some valuable insights as to your particular sleeping patterns and how much deep sleep you are getting compared to the light sleep. Sweet dreams friends!



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