5 Most Beneficial Health Benefits Of Zucchini

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

Versatile zucchini

There are many ways to prepare zucchini, which has no cholesterol or unhealthy fats, and only 17 calories per 100 grams. Most of the nutrients are in the skin, and it should therefore always be included in preparations.

  • Use in salads either sliced thinly or grated.
  • It is delicious as a standalone cooked vegetable dish – just add your choice of herbs and spices.
  • Can be incorporated into many recipes like stews or even roasted vegetable dishes.
  • When shopping for zucchini, be sure to opt for the smaller ones from an early harvest. These are the tastiest and have a higher ratio of nutrients. The larger ones, which may grow up to 20 inches long, are lower in nutrients.
  • Also when you shop, look for the organic variety if possible, as it is common that zucchinis grown in the US are genetically modified.


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Zucchini is without doubt one of the healthiest foods you can eat. This squash, part of the gourd and marrow family, is delicious and versatile enough to be enjoyed in many different forms, both for taste and myriad health benefits.




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