8 Proven Healing Benefits From Using Honey

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Increases memory retention

As we get older, we tend to become a little forgetful. It is important that the brain is fed in order to stay in top form. Honey is rich in antioxidants which is precisely what your brain needs to remain sharp. Just one teaspoon of honey a day will do the trick. You can take it straight from the jar or add it to some hot tea. In addition, honey is rich in calcium which also helps to cut down on your chances of getting dementia in the future.


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8. Can give you a good night’s sleep

If you have a difficult time falling asleep at night, a spoonful of honey may be just the ticket. When you take in honey it raises your insulin and your body lets go of serotonin which is a natural neurotransmitter. The serotonin changes over to melatonin which is a natural chemical in your body that will help you sleep. Honey also has amino acids that play a part in creating tryptophan, which is an amino acid found in turkey that makes you fall asleep right after Thanksgiving dinner every year.




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