8 Reasons You’ll Never Overlook This Simple Fruit Again

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Strengthens the immune system

Along with their other impressive nutritional qualities, plums have a high level of vitamin C. This nutrient helps to build and maintain the body’s immune system, protecting it from a variety of colds and infections that affect so many people. A specific type of plum grown in Asia has properties that promote nitric oxide, which may prevent cancer cells from metastasizing.


7. Effective in treating breast cancer cells

Lab tests that were conducted at the Texas AgriLife Research Center found that when treated with the extracts from plums and peaches, breast cancer cells died off, leaving normal cells intact. The cells that were tested were extremely aggressive and were successfully destroyed by peaches in the Rich Lady variety and plums from the Black Splendor family. The center has been promising in its work with stone fruit and continues to make even more breakthroughs.


8. Keeps the nervous system running smoothly

Your nervous system basically is responsible for just about everything that operates in your body. Because plums are filled with vitamin B6, they contribute to keeping the nervous system running at its optimum level and help nerve signals to be transmitted smoothly. Another compound found in plums is tryptophan, an amino acid that assists in the production of serotonin and ultimately helps with concentration, sleep patterns, and appetite.


READ ALSO: The Weird Fruit You Need To Eat More Of!


Finally, plums play a part in overseeing the normal growth of the brain, and they help in the creation of hormones that influence a person’s moods.





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