8 Ways Eating Cruciferous Vegetables Can Change Your Life

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Eye health

Besides the benefits of sulforaphane, cabbage is brimming with beta-carotene which makes it the perfect fit as a remedy for several eye conditions. It works to reduce and eliminate the chances of macular degeneration in the elderly. The low-calorie vegetable is also able to prevent or at least delay the formation of cataracts.


7. Helps control blood pressure levels

Cabbage is rich in potassium which helps to bring down high blood pressure numbers. One of the things that potassium has going for it is that it is considered a vasodilator. This means that it is able to open the blood vessels making it a smooth transition for the blood to flow smoothly and evenly. High blood pressure is what contributes to cardiovascular problems as well as increasing the chances of having a stroke.


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8. Helps with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance

It was discovered in a study conducted in 2016 that participants who were given a higher amount of sulforaphane showed a reduced rate of insulin resistance. The test consisted of 81 people who either received a placebo or the concentrated sulforaphane powder. High levels of insulin resistance are what are responsible for many serious side effects of type 2 diabetes. Additional studies showed that sulforphane was able to eliminate some of the effects of the disease including fibrosis, nephropathy, and vascular conditions.

The results of many clinicals are impressive but it has been recognized that some of the results are only in effect while you are consuming these health-bearing cruciferous vegetables.

The key to maintaining your health is in adding these vegetables to your menu on a daily basis. Some of the best ways to include them are by steaming them or roasting them and serving them as a side dish. Roasting vegetables is easy when you put them on a sheet pan in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil, season with sea salt and black pepper, and roast at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Serving them raw with a vegetable dip make them a nutritious snack for the entire family. These vegetables are also easy to add to your favorite soups and salads. It’s a great way to get kids to eat them while they are joining other vegetables they already like.






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