8 Worst Mistakes of the Modern Day Diet


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8. Hydrogenated Soybean Oil

This oil gets a special mention all on its own. Almost all soy now comes from GMO plants. Even if you consume what is called organic soy, it’s still hydrogenated. Hydrogenated oils contain trans- fats.

So when you combine the two, GMO food source with hydrogenation, makes a completely unnatural source of fat that can create chaos and dysfunction within your body, right down to the cellular level.

Hydrogenated soybean oil has been linked to numerous health problems including (but certainly not limited to) cancer, diabetes, reproductive issues, and lowered immune function.

Read also about cancer causing foods substitutes.

Many people consume much more soybean oil than they are aware of.  Most of it is hidden in processed foods, which contain this oil because it’s super cheap. The best way to avoid this is to avoid processed foods in general, and never buy soybean oil, not even the organic type.

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