A Bad Attitude Really Can Increase Your Risk Of Heart Attack

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

When you were a little kid, did your parents ever tell you to “stop huffing and puffing, or your head will explode”? This may be an exaggeration, but science has shown that negative, pessimistic, or hostile attitudes can actually increase your risk of serious cardiovascular diseases. In this article, you’ll learn why taking up yoga and simply changing your outlook on life can go a long way toward improving your health, and could even contribute to saving your life.


Negative emotions and their relationship to physical health

It is important to understand that all negative emotions can contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This includes, anger, fear, anxiety, and depression. Many people experience stress during a commute or at work, so they think eliminating stress is the answer. While that’s certainly a step in the right direction, it’s important to understand what’s really going on when you experience stress.

You might be thinking of being “stressed” as a negative emotion, but is it? Stress is a physiological reaction caused by triggered a combination of emotions, often anger and anxiety.

Maybe you don’t feel stressed. Maybe you’re pissed off. Fine, but that can increase your risk as well, and if such feelings represent your default emotional baseline, then your risk of heart attack, stroke, and more is almost certainly higher than it should be. As we’ll explain below, researchers have definitively identified negative emotions as a heart disease risk factors.

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