A Dozen Ways To Strengthen Your Bones Naturally

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10. Consume foods high in Omega-3 fats

Already valuable for having anti-inflammatory properties, foods rich in omega-3 fats have been found to reduce bone loss as you age. A clinical trial that included more than 1,500 participants from 45-90 years of age, who consumed omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids had a much lower incidence of bone density loss than those who consumed less of both types of fat.


11. Consider taking up yoga

Researchers found that people who stretched regularly were able to keep from ending up hunched over. When you stretch out, it strengthens and lengthens muscles that may be tight and helps you avoid back pain. Having good posture will help you move better.


READ ALSO: This One Dried Fruit Can Help Build Stronger Bones


12. Get plenty of sleep each night

Researchers from Wisconsin’s Medical College found that the rats that were in their study ended up with less formation of bones when they did not have the right amount of sleep. A doctor involved in the study concluded that if humans did not have enough sleep on a regular basis, it resulted in a decrease in the density of the bones.




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