A Million Ways That Lemons Can Save Your Life

Natural Cleaners

Photo credit: bigstock.com

36. Rinse your scalp with lemon juice and water to kill dandruff.

37.  Add the lemon peels to the bottom of your trash can to help stop odors.

38. Dried lemon peels make great fireplace kindling and smell wonderful!

39.  Make your own fantastic window cleaner by mixing a bit of cornstarch, vinegar, lemon juice and water for a streak free shine!

40.  For a super foot rejuvenator, add some lemon juice to very warm water and soak your feet for some powerful foot relaxation.

41. To help dissolve uric acid (and avoid gout), drink lemon juice and water daily.

42.  Lemon juice can kill intestinal worms. Drink the juice of one lemon, mixed with some water, daily.

43. Lemons can improve breathing. The first person to reach the top of Mt. Everest, Edmund Hillary, stated that his success in reaching the top of this mountain was due to his consumption of lemons.

44.  Blood vessels are strengthened by the bioflavonoids in lemons, which means it can help to prevent internal hemorrhages and treat high blood pressure.

45. Remove the smell from wooden bowls and spoons by soaking them in some lemon juice and water.

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