Are You Suffering From Adrenal Burnout? How To Tell And What To Do

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Foods To Eliminate

One of the best things you can do to help your body recover is to start by removing certain foods from your diet.

Sugar fuels the adrenal exhaustion process. When your blood sugar is low, you crave sugar. When you eat sugar, the body must produce insulin. This cycle drains the adrenals. If you find you are craving sugar, try eating small amounts, just a quarter or a half a teaspoon under the tongue will help satisfy your craving, but won’t spike your blood sugar enough to matter. Read more how to stop sugar cravings.

Caffeine also fuels this process. Limit your coffee intake to one cup each day, and then replace any remaining cups of coffee that you would normally drink with green tea. Although green tea has caffeine, it also contains theanine, which encourages calmness, improved concentration, and relaxation.


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What Else Can I Do?

Eat more protein. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels and help to reverse adrenal fatigue. Eat a bit of protein with each meal; try nuts, eggs, cheese, fish, and poultry. Limit your intake of red meat. Eggs are a great choice, as they are one of the most balanced proteins you can find. Starting off your day with eggs is a great way to avoid blood sugar spikes and adrenal fatigue.

Try eating smaller meals throughout the day (include a bit of protein in each meal), rather than eating three larger meals. This can also normalize blood sugar levels.

Drink as much water as you can throughout the day. Your adrenal glands regulate your blood pressure and blood volume, and you need plenty of water to do both. You also need salt. If you crave salt, try adding just a handful of salted nuts spread out throughout the day, but don’t overdo it. If you don’t crave salt, then don’t add any extra to your food. Salt is one of those things where a little bit goes a long way.

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