Beneficial Weeds You Must Know About

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3. Dandelion

One of the most abundant weeds in the United States, dandelions are a delight to children and reason to curse for landscapers. But this homely flower is such an abundance of nutrients and uses. All the parts of this plant can be used and each one has specific benefits for the body. The young plants are usually better to use for eating than the older ones, as they tend to get bitter, and the leaves can be used in salads or other dishes that require leafy vegetables. As for medicinal uses, there are plenty, even though none of them have been scientifically researched to test their accuracy or potency against any of the ailments they supposedly help against.

This does not mean that the plant isn’t helpful – there are plenty of old remedies that have been proven useful with recent scientific research and dandelion medicine might be the next one. Dandelion tea has been used as a mild laxative that is very beneficial to children if they are constipated. The plant is also rich in Vitamin A, C, E, and the B-complex as well as iron and protein. With that many helpful nutrients, how can the plant not be beneficial? Dandelion has also been known to be used for gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises.

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