Best Diet for Those Affected With Lupus

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5. Refined Carbohydrates

Eating refined carbs such as rice, white bread, pasta, and other types of snack foods all cause problems for those with lupus. They are processed much like sugar in the body and cause water retention, which often leads to worse symptoms.


6. Alfalfa

Many people enjoy alfalfa based green smoothies, sprouts, or have become accustomed to taking alfalfa supplements as this herb is super nutritious and has many vital nutrients, however, alfalfa is a big DON’T when you have lupus. This herb contains an amino acid (L-canavanine) which send the immune system into super hyped-up overdrive, which is good for other people, but not for those who suffer from lupus. Alfalfa often gives lupus patients extreme fatigue and muscle pain, and doctors note that it causes extreme variations in their blood test results.


7.  Say No to Nightshade Veggies

Although there are no studies to prove a connection, but many people with lupus say that nightshade vegetables, including tomatoes, white potatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, and hot peppers, only make their symptoms flare up, sometimes out of control when they consume large quantities or eat these veggies a few times per week. If you suspect these otherwise healthy veggies are causing you to have flare ups, keep a food diary and take a note of how you feel a few hours after eating certain nightshade vegetables.


SEE ALSO: Best Diet for the Prevention of Breast Cancer

8. Herbal Supplements

Although you might read about how certain herbs or supplements help to control lupus symptoms, there have been no studies and no hard evidence that any of them work at all. If you are taking prescription drugs or steroids for your lupus symptoms, some of these supplements can interact or interfere with your med’s. Always consult your doctor before you begin any herbal remedy or supplement, no matter how harmless it might seem.

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