Best Natural Remedies Ever to Help Fight Pneumonia

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5. Garlic

Without a doubt, garlic has a reputation as being a super food that has powerful healing properties. With its effective antimicrobial compounds, garlic can fight viruses, bacteria, fungi, even parasites. Garlic also improves the immune system. There are numerous ways you can use garlic to help you heal your pneumonia.

  • Crush two or three cloves of garlic and swallow them every day.
  • Crush two garlic cloves and mix in a tablespoon of raw, organic honey and lemon juice and drink this two or three times per day.
  • Mash up a few garlic cloves into a paste and rub this on your chest, breathing in the fumes as much as possible.
  • You can also grind up 8 or so cloves of garlic and mix it with about 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Rub this mixture on your chest twice per day and again, be sure to breathe deeply.
  • Mix equal parts of garlic oil and olive oil and rub it on your feet morning and night. Cover your feet with socks so it won’t rub off or get on your carpet.
  • Be sure to add plenty of fresh, organic garlic to your soups and vegetable dishes
  • The following is very strong but it is also very effective: Take 5 or 6 cloves of garlic and a half of a medium onion. Chop these two together, and then add 2 tablespoons of raw, organic honey to the mix. Place these items in your blender with one cup of water and mix well. First thing in the morning, drink this onion/garlic/honey mixture. This tonic will open up your bronchial tubes, help to expel mucus, and help you to breathe all day long. Read more how use garlic medicinally in a proper way.

Remember that these remedies are meant to encourage healing and help to improve breathing while strengthening your own immune system to fight off this infection. If you should begin to feel worse or if your symptoms become more severe, do not hesitate to call a doctor or visit your nearest emergency room.


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