“Bogus” Ebola Cures? What the FDA and Mainstream Media Aren’t Telling You

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Photo credit: bigstock

You should be aware, however, that there really are dozens of bogus “cures” or “treatments” being sold online and you need to be cautious. Even those that might claim that they are “FDA” or “governmentally approved”, don’t believe it. Remember that there are no cures or treatments.

As far as nano silver and Ebola is concerned, however, why isn’t this urgently being approved for testing in the same way that other experimental drug serum was recently approved. Just the fact that no one who is in a position of authority will even make an attempt to TRY nano silver on Ebola patients is very suspicious in and of itself.

Don’t forget, these are the exact same “authorities” who approved an experimental, completely unproven western treatment, even though they have absolutely no idea about it’s safety or it’s efficacy. Of course they say that “since people are dying”, they felt that there was no harm in offering them a medicinal experiment. And they have a point there. Except for the fact that they are being extremely limited in their thinking. Why limit their experiments to one treatment? Why not open them up to a wide variety of possible treatments, including nano silver?

If the medical industry really wants to prove that nano silver is just a bunch of gollywok, then why don’t they test it on Ebola patients to prove their point? What is it that they are afraid of?

The answer to that question is fairly obvious, they are afraid of what might happen if it worked. Because if it did, or if any other alternative herb, or medicine worked, all their hopes for earning millions of dollars from their vaccine would disappear like a balloon in the wind.

Ebola victims should have freedom of choice when it comes to experimental medicines. If western medicine authorities have declared it to be completely ethical to experiment on Ebola patients with this unproven medical serum, then why wouldn’t it be just as ethical to allow these patients to volunteer for other types of treatments such as nano silver? It is both illogical, as well as contradictory, to state that it’s completely ethical to treat patients with an experimental drug then state that it’s unethical to treat patients with an experimental natural substance. Western medicine must apply logical, scientific thinking, not with “faith based medicine”.

It’s difficult to not be skeptical of any medical system which would block the testing of nano silver, or any other natural substance, while aggressively pushing experimental vaccines or unproven, untested drugs. If you want to get to the truth, if you want to know what works and what doesn’t, then why not test everything? Wouldn’t that be the most scientific way to handle this? Test everything at hand, and then let the facts state what works and what doesn’t.

Source: Naturalnews.com

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One Comment

  1. Joann Hollie

    Aug 25, 2014 at 8:53 pm

    What the Hamas is going on these days>>>?