Calling All Vegans: We Have a List of 12 Powerful Sources of Protein

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10. Brussels Sprouts, Fennel, Cauliflower, and Swiss Chard

All of these vegetables contain protein, just in lower amounts. However, when added to other foods, they can help to top up protein levels. Each one of these veggies will give you about 4 grams of protein per cup.


11. Potatoes

Even the lowly potato has protein to offer! Just one medium sized potato has about 4.35 grams of protein. You can make a potato soup, or potato casserole, or add potatoes to soups and casseroles. Potatoes are inexpensive, tasty, and a fairly good source of protein.


SEE ALSO: Top 10 Super Healthy Sources of Fiber

12.  Lima Beans

With just short of 15 grams of protein in one cup of lima beans, it’s hard to leave these little greenies out of the picture. Lima beans have a bad rap as having a grainy texture, but when used in soups, casseroles, or mixed with other vegetables, many people find lima beans have a unique taste that pep up what would otherwise be a bland dish.

It’s true that there are other sources of protein, such as seaweed and spirulina, but it is hard to imagine anyone consuming one cup of seaweed or pond scum on a Meatless Monday. We wanted this list to include tasty, everyday foods that most people would look forward to eating.


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