Can Drinking Tea Shed Unwanted Pounds?

Teapot and cups on stone with bamboo leaves.

Photo credit: bigstock

White tea is a little harder to find, but it might be the healthiest of the three. Like green tea, the leaves are not allowed to oxidize, but white tea is made only from the youngest leaves of the tea plant. White tea has the most antioxidants of any variety of true tea.

The other “teas” do not come from the tea plant, but are traditionally consumed in a similar manner, thus falling under the category of “tea” in most people’s minds. Ashwaganda, also known as Indian ginseng, is a type of plant native to India that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. One of its chief applications was lowering stress. Science has shown that it does this by lowering the body’s levels of cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. When cortisol levels are high, the body is more likely to store extra fat.

Rooibos is a plant native to sub-Saharan Africa, and the beverage derived from it is often marketed as red tea. Rooibos has traditionally been used to lower stress and improve blood circulation. Research has shown that it also contains flavanols and polyphenols, which can aid in reducing the formation of new fat cells.


But will tea really make you skinny?

Let’s not get carried away here.

It’s important to keep in mind that while green, oolong and white tea are very healthy, the cold hard truth is that there is no “magic bullet” solution for losing weight. If you’re overweight and you want to change that, you need to change your lifestyle and eating choices, period. If losing weight was as simple as just drinking some tea, no one would ever be overweight.


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That said, every little bit helps. Studies indicate the teas do at least assist in raising the metabolism, which is a step in the right direction. Each of these teas has so many health benefits that there is no downside to incorporating one into your diet. Just be sure not to drown it in cream and sugar, as this will negate the health effects.


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