6 Great Tips To Create A Successful Tiny Garden!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Gardening is becoming more and popular with all kinds of people in all kinds of lifestyles. Growing your own food isn’t just for the flower child and your grandma that remembers Victory Gardens. As organic fruits and vegetables are becoming more and more accepted and desired above their conventionally grown counterparts, those with a limited budget are realizing that they can do better. Not only will a garden allow you to grow your own food but it will benefit your lifestyle by giving you control over what you put on your plants and what kinds of chemicals you do, or don’t, put on them.

That’s all fine and great for those that have land and space for them to utilize for a spacious garden. As little as a quarter acre will allow you to grow pretty much anything your heart desires and to able to feed yourself and your family from your garden. But what if you have less space than that? Or no space at all, as many in apartments are finding themselves in this predicament. Not only do they not have a physical piece of land to use, but they are also restricted by close neighbors and landlords. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to these predicaments.

Growing a garden doesn’t necessarily have to be done in a large space – tiny garden are just as beneficial as large ones and, hey, a little goes a long way. If you’re finding yourself restricted by space and other variables, check out the below methods to help you maximize your garden space. Utilizing what you have is simply a matter of timed planting, proper arrangement, and a little bit of organization.


1. Don’t Waste Space

If you’re serious about having a garden, there’s nothing that will stop you from digging up that tiny yard of yours and using it for something beneficial. Besides, there are plenty of ways and designs you can incorporate to still have space to relax and even entertain if you wish. To not waste any space, grow any climbing plants, such as cucumbers and zucchini, vertically. Plant in a triangle pattern which helps to maximize space by as much as 15 percent and also keeps your plants less susceptible to diseases from the soil. Not wasting space also means taking advantage of all the space you have – which can include your front porch, back porch, around trees, and even in containers on any tables you have outside.


2. Use Raised Beds Or Containers

Raised garden beds are not just for show – not only do they actually help to make your garden more successful but they also give you less work. Raised beds usually contain better soil are can be customized to the area where you live which means that you’re giving your garden the best shot at providing food for you. Less work for you means that you won’t be spending all day pulling weeds, since raised garden beds tend to usually have a layer of protection on the bottom, meaning that weeds won’t get through and vie for nutrients with your precious plants. Using containers if you’re somewhere without access to land is a great idea for still having a garden if you’re, say, in an upper apartment. Make sure to choose containers that are large enough for each plant and to provide proper draining soil according to each plant’s needs.

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