Eating Just One Ounce of This Can Do Crazy Things to Your Weight

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What does science have to say about this?

During one of many studies, subjects were told to consume 1 or 2 tablespoons (which is one ounce) of coconut oil each day. These subjects were found to have burned an extra 120 calories each day, without doing anything else and making no other changes other than adding coconut oil to their diets.

Another study took 31 overweight people who were told to consume a tablespoon of either olive or coconut oil each day for a period of four months. Women were told to consume 1 tablespoon, men 2 tablespoons. After the four month trial period, the group who consumed coconut oil lost, on average, 7 pounds. The group that consumed olive oil lost two times less. Scientists believe that the difference was due to the increased metabolism of those who ate the coconut oil.

There are also studies involving animals that show that the medium chain fats found in coconut oil are stored less effectively than other types of fats. One study showed that rats were overfed with either medium chain or long-chain fats. Rats that received the medium chain fats gained 20 percent less weight and 23 percent less body fat than the other rats, even though the calorie count was the same.

The best time to consume coconut oil is about 30 minutes before meals. This gives your body time to raise your metabolism as well as making you feel fuller so that you eat less.

Another study involving 14 healthy men, found that when they consumed coconut oil at breakfast, they ate significantly fewer calories at lunch time. Another study showed that when 6 healthy men at high amounts of coconut oil, they automatically consumed 256 fewer calories each day.

Keep in mind that coconut oil does contain calories but we aren’t talking about adding coconut oil to your diet in addition to your other foods, but rather by replacing some of your other fats with coconut oil, you can lose weight more easily.

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