Eating This One Herb Just Twice a Week Can Beat Cancer

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Why Wait?

The chemistry of garlic is rather complicated and, as a result, the quality of garlic or garlic supplements depends greatly on the manufacturing process. When garlic is peeled and processed into powder, salt, or oil, it can increase the number or the variety of active substances.

When garlic is peeled, it releases an enzyme called allinase. This starts a series of chemical reactions that can produce something called diallyl disulfide or DADS. These compounds are also formed when raw garlic is crushed or cut. DADS are believed to be a strong component of the cancer fighting process. When garlic is peeled, crushed, or cut and then immediately heated or cooked, the allinase is inactivated and the cancer arresting DADS is lost. This is why you will see many articles or scientific studies suggesting that people wait 10 to 15 minutes after peeling or crushing garlic before it is consumed or cooked to allow the allinase reaction to occur.

When garlic is processed into an oil or powder, it does release cancer fighting compounds, but the inconsistent results demonstrated in some garlic research can be attributed, at least in part, to the non-standardization of the active compounds of garlic preparations.

Some of the known cancer fighting compounds found in garlic are:

  • Allin: which is what gives garlic its strong smell
  • Allyl sulfur
  • Alline: an odorless compound
  • SAC or S-allylcysteine
  • DADS or Diallyl disulfide
  • Ajoene: a naturally occurring disulfide
  • DAS or diallyl sulfide
  • DAT or diallyl trisulfide
  • Organosulfur compounds

There have been multiple studies showing that the alllicin that is released when garlic is chopped or crushed also forms antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals as well as having an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It is well-known that chronic inflammation in the body can lead to the formation of many types of disease and that free radicals cause damage to our DNA and other cells, which can lead to the mutation of cells and, eventually, cancer.

With so much going for it, it only makes sense to include a couple of cloves of fresh, organic garlic in your diet each day. You don’t need to overdo it and eat an entire head every day; just one or two cloves each day is enough to give you all the cancer protection you need.



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