Fight Chronic Fatigue with Adrenal Nutrition

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

6. Vitamin C

You probably know that this is an important vitamin for immune function, but it also plays a vital role in the functioning of the adrenal glands as well. Get your vitamin C naturally throughout the day rather than taking supplements. Or make your own Vitamin C supplements.


7. B Complex Vitamins

For those who are suffering from adrenal fatigue need B5 more than the other B vitamins but since the B vitamins all work together, it’s best to take a B complex supplement.


8. Salt

Replace table salt with Himalayan salt to replace trace minerals. Read our comparison of salts.


9. Sunshine

Be sure to get some safe sun exposure to naturally increase your levels of vitamin D. In the winter, if you live in a place that gets very little sun, invest in a UV light or take supplements.


10. Adrenal Extracts

Vegans won’t want to go this route, but a very effective way to get adrenal nutrition is to take bovine desiccated adrenal.

Other things you should consider doing is taking up a regular detox program if you haven’t already, and practicing grounding several times per week at least. Yoga and/or meditation will help relieve stress levels.


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