Fight Deadly Yeast Infections With This One Natural Thing

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You could have a Candida overgrowth problem and not even be aware of it. Yeast is the likely problem if you have experienced any of the following:

  • You feel bad in general but nothing seems to help and your doctor cannot find anything wrong.
  • You feel ill or nauseous when exposed to perfume, cigarette smoke, or other scents.
  • You have taken prolonged courses of broad spectrum antibiotics.
  • You feel worse on damp, wet days or in moldy places.
  • Your diet consists of a lot of sugar and white bread, pasta and/or other white flour products.
  • You have persistent or recurring bouts of toenail fungus, athlete’s foot or jock itch.
  • You frequently crave bread, sweets or alcoholic drinks.
  • You have persistent digestive problems.
  • You have persistent problems related to your reproductive system, including vaginal infections, PMS, menstrual irregularities, impotence, or other types of problems.
  • You have taken birth control pills.
  • You have taken prednisone or other corticosteroid drugs.

Usually, getting rid of Candida and then restoring the proper balance of digestive bacteria in the body is not as easy as one might think. You need to kill the yeast, yet encourage the healthy bacteria to grow. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that are very effective when it comes to killing yeast, but if you consume too much, what happens is an event called Herxheimer reaction. This is what happens when there is a large die-off of yeast, cell particles, toxins, and antigens. You might feel worse before you start feeling better.


READ ALSO: Candida Overgrowth: What to Eat and What Not to Eat to Cure It


It is best to start off slowly. Start off using just one teaspoon of coconut oil to kill off the yeast in the body. Be certain that you are consuming plenty of probiotic foods, such as kefir, plain yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, and kimchee. Every week, add another teaspoon of coconut oil each day to your diet until you are consuming three tablespoons of coconut oil each day. Continue for one more week after all symptoms have disappeared.


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