Fun Fat-Burning Activities That Don’t Feel Like Exercise!

Father And Son Gardening On Their Homestead

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4. Walking

If you love to sight see, then walking might be for you. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week, can improve your metabolism and burn stored fat. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking can burn 150 calories, depending on your level of physical activity.

Regular walking (or even jogging, if that’s more you speed) reduces your risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, breast cancer and colon cancer. It has also been shown to have a positive impact on your emotional and mental health.  Try walking in new neighborhoods, in beautiful parks or anyplace that inspires you and makes you want to walk just a little more.


5. Tennis

Tennis used to be the sport of kings. Whether you have never played or if you are an old hand, tennis is not only fun but it is also one super calorie burner. Tennis calls for repeated bouts of high-intensity activity, the best way to burn fat.. Tennis can burn almost 300 calories in a 30 minute game, and it improves balance, co-ordination and speed. It tones your shoulders, back and arms, and it is fun for just about everyone of all ages.


6. Gardening

If you love your garden, then it can really help you burn calories. Depending on your activities, such as lifting, digging, weeding, squatting and carrying bags of mulch or fertilizer, you can burn as many as 300 calories in just 30 minutes!

Try spending at least an entire afternoon once or twice a week making your garden more beautiful and more productive. Studies have shown that regular gardening lowers blood pressure, prevents diabetes and heart disease, as well as eases the symptoms of depression. Read more how gardening helps cancer treatment.

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