Got Gout? We Have Answers! 7 Ways To Prevent It And Get Rid Of It!

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It used to be that once you had gout, the only thing you were told to do was to change your diet. Although doctors now have pharmaceuticals at their disposal, there are much better, more natural means of reducing the amount of uric acid in the body.

Before we talk about how to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, you should understand what uric acid actually is and how it causes gout.

Uric acid is a natural process that occurs then compounds called purines breakdown in the body. Purines are important as they provide the body with protein and energy, but once they break down, they create uric acid.

Uric acid isn’t actually the problem. It’s the excessive buildup of uric acid that is the problem. Uric acid is good for the body because it acts like an antioxidant. It improves the linings of the blood vessels.

It’s the job of our kidneys to removes excess uric acid, and this is generally where the problem lies. When the kidneys aren’t working at full capacity, they do not remove excess uric acid, which then circulates throughout the blood stream. Even healthy kidneys sometimes just cannot deal with all the uric acid in the body.

Over time, if the kidneys continue to not be able to remove the uric acid, it changes into crystals of monosodium urate, which then settle in the joints, tendons, and sometimes surrounding tissues. These crystals are needle sharp and are, obviously, looked upon by your body as foreign objects. Your body starts sending out inflammation signals to try to remove these crystals. The result is heat, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and rather intense pain.

For this reason, it is necessary to decrease the amount of uric acid in the body. If you currently have gout or if you have had gout in the past, chances are pretty good that it will happen again unless you take steps to correct the problem.

Most people who suffer from gout find that those medications, although effective, can be expensive and have nasty side effects. There are plenty of natural ways to remove uric acid from the body.

Below, you will find some of the easiest ways that you can remove excess uric acid and never suffer from a painful attack of gout ever again.


1. Vegan Diet

A vegan diet, one that removes all meat and animal products, such as milk and eggs, can build up the alkalinity of the body. You can eat peas and beans (in moderation) along with plenty of leafy greens. If you miss dairy products, try almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk. You should check with your doctor to see which supplements you should be taking if you decide to go this route as vegan diets do not provide everything the body needs (B vitamins especially) but many people find that simply switching to a vegan diet will remove excess uric acid from the body.

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