Grape Seed Extract Shows Potent Anti-cancer Activity

Grapes have been used for hundreds of years in Europe and the Middle East as powerful medicines. Every part of the grape has been used in one way or another to help aide those with health problems. The leaves shorten the healing time of injuries or inflammatory conditions, grapes that were not yet rip were used for sore throats. Raisins, which are dried grapes, have been used for those suffering from constipation. Now, scientists have found that the concentrated extract from grape seed can have huge health benefits.

There are currently 7 on-going clinical trials involving grape seed extract; 4 of which involve the protective effects of grape seed extract against squamous cell carcinoma, prostate, and hematologic cancers. It’s interesting to note that these studies were not initiated by scientists originally, but only after the remarkable effects some of their patients had with taking grape seed extract on their own, as a supplement to help support their daily diet and overall health. Read about 8 little tricks to make your life healthier.

Bunch Of Fresh Red Grapes Isolated On White

Photo credit: bigstock

Grape seed extract has previously been demonstrated as being toxic to breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer in laboratory studies but the three most recent studies done on human’s show that grape seed extract is possibly the anti-cancer supplement doctors have been looking for. Let’s take a look at those amazing three studies.

  • A large study that was done in Washington State involved more than 35,000 male subjects and began in the year 2000. The subjects ranged in age from 50-76. They answered very detailed questionnaires about which supplements they had used for the previous 10 years. Their prostate cancer risk was assessed after slightly more than 6 years. Grape seed extract was the clear winner. Those who took high amounts of the supplement showed a huge 62 percent reduction in the risk of prostate cancer. Those who took average amounts experienced a 41 percent risk reductions. None of the other supplements involved in this study offered any protection. Read that one again. None of the supplements involved in this study offered any protection and these other supplements included saw palmetto, CoQ10, fish oil, ginkgo biloba, garlic pills, ginseng, or glucosamine chondroitin. May of 2011 is when this particular study was published. Find out 20 habits you should change to lower the risk of cancer.
  • A study done in northern California in 2011 involved 830 subjects to test the effects of grape seed extract against the second most common skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma. Subjects took a multivitamin that included vitamins E, D, C, and A, as well as a supplement of grape seed extract. Those who took the multivitamin as well as the grape seed extract showed an amazing reduction in the risk of this skin cancer, an incredible 74 percent! Those who took only the multivitamin had a 29 percent reduced risk however, by researcher’s standards; this was a borderline insignificant amount.
  • Another study published in August of 2011 used grape seed extract to assess the risk of cancers that involve bone marrow, blood, or the lymph nodes. This study involved more than 66 thousand subjects of both sexes. This study showed that those who used grape seed extract supplements saw a 43 percent risk reduction in developing these types of cancers. It is interesting to note, though, that those who used garlic supplements also saw a 47 percent risk reduction. No other supplements offered any other protection from these hematologic cancers.

Grape seed extract has an unbelievable antioxidant power in those flavonoid phytonutrients. These antioxidants boost your immune system as well as improve the oxygen level in the blood. If you are interested in protecting the collagen in your joints and your skin from the damage of free radicals, those pesky suckers that advance the aging process, then grape seed extract is for you, also. Read more about antioxidant rich food.

It’s interesting to note that none of these studies received much attention from the mainstream media. Perhaps after the conclusion of the full blown clinical trials the media will stand up and take notice. The seven studies mentioned above, however, will take years to complete and compile the information. Until that day, however, the findings above make a compelling case for you to consider including grape seed extract supplements in your daily supplement regimen.

