Inflammation Explained Simple. Once And For All.

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What is inflammation?

Inflammation is a physical condition whereby, generally speaking, the immune system of the body responds to different infections. The white cells in the blood fight against these foreign organisms, and inflammation is externally revealed when the affected area becomes red, swollen, and painful.

There are certain diseases which are associated with inflammation, including many forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid, osteo-arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, and joint pain, among others. In fact, inflammation is at the root and cause of many diseases:

  • Arthritis is inflammation of the joints.
  • Heart disease is inflammation of the arteries.
  • Inflammation of the tiny tubes which carries air to the lungs may result in shortness of breath.
  • Kidney inflammation (nephritis) can lead to kidney failure, or high blood pressure.
  • Inflammation in the intestines can lead to serious diarrhea, and digestion difficulties.

However, because many organs lack pain-sensitive nerves, the most pain is usually felt in arthritic inflammation of the joints and back.


All about arthritis.

Research has indicated that in the US, more than 50 million adults have at least one form of arthritis, with various degrees of severity and pain. The numbers keep on growing, and is now the main cause of disability in America.

It should not surprise you, but arthritis is mostly caused by a poor diet, minor allergies, infections, and a lack of exercise.

The go-to treatment for arthritis is nearly always anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers.

And yes – they do help to manage pain and symptoms to some degree.

But did you know that with the correct diet you can do your part in reducing pain and easing the symptoms?

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Foods which promote inflammation.

Researcher Dr Nicholas Perricone, a leading crusader of the anti-inflammatory diet, found that to prevent body inflammation, and help manage arthritis symptoms, there are certain foods which should be avoided. These include –

  • Sugar-All the things we love to eat are the things we should avoid. Pastries, cakes, chocolates, tarts, biscuits, and soda – to name but a few, all have something in common in the form of refined sugar.
  • Mono-sodium-glutamate (MSG)-A food additive which adds flavour which is found in foods that contain soy, soup mixes, salad dressing, and processed meat and cheese. This harmful chemical contributes to chronic inflammation and may even affect liver health.
  • Trans-fats -Trans-fats are made through a chemical process by which hydrogen is added to liquid unsaturated fat which is then solidified for shelf-life and flavour stability. Trans-fats cause harm by blocking the production of chemicals that fight inflammation, while simultaneously allowing chemicals that increase inflammation to run riot.
  • Gluten-Sensitivity to gluten in foods found in wheat products, barley and rye, may also contribute to inflammation.
  • Refined foods- Foods made from refined flour and refined, processed sugars are killers which need to be shunned.
  • Full-fat dairy –which is rich in lactose acid should be avoided by arthritic folk. Acid aggravates and increases joint pain.

Many people, including those who have, or  yet presume to have, inflammatory problems, do not bother to read the labels of the foods they buy. To avoid harmful substances, it is so important, as the labels detail all the ingredients in the products making it easy to identify those which you should be avoiding.


Foods which help to fight against inflammation.

To help reduce inflammation, especially in joints, an overall healthy diet will benefit your general health and well-being.

Here are some excellent foods you can add to your diet which studies have shown to be anti-inflammatory:

  • Tomatoes which are alkaline and help keep acid levels under control.
  • Olive oil which is a healthy unsaturated fat.
  • Green leafy veggies such as spinach, broccoli, collard greens, cabbage, and kale.
  • Other vegetables like chives, garlic, leeks, and onions, also do a great job controlling inflammation, as do salad greens and sprouts.
  • Nuts like almonds and walnuts.
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna are high in omega-3, an essential fatty acid, which keeps the immune system up and running.
  • Berries like strawberries, blueberries and cherries, are well-known sources that deal with inflammation.

It is a good idea to cut down on red meat and make fish the source of your natural protein, which will also cut down on acid intake. Skinless chicken is another option for natural protein.


KEEP READING EVEN MORE: Arthritis: 10 Foods To Eat More Of And 5 To Avoid Like The Plague

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There is no magic.

Arthritis needs to be treated and managed to improve your quality of life. There is no magic pill that will take it away overnight.

You can make the symptoms worse or you can reduce the painful symptoms. Throwing caution to the wind and eating whatever you like will only worsen matters, even if you are on the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, following and adhering to a healthy diet can fight inflammation, reduce painful arthritic flare ups, and promote medications to act times more effectively.

A healthy diet devoid of inflammatory chemicals is also beneficial to your overall emotional and physical well-being.

Your attitude will determine your quality of life which is possibly the most important thing we can get out of life, especially if you are not at your best.


