Is Bacon Healthier Than Fish!?

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

 2. Wild Caught vs Farm-Raised Fish: The Facts

  • Farm raised salmon has been shown to contain dioxin levels 11 times higher than wild-caught salmon. Dioxin is a toxic chemical which has been linked to cancer.
  • Farm-raised fish are treated with antibiotics and pesticides, traces of which can and do end up in the food we eat.
  • Wild caught tilapia contain much higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and the omega-3’s found in the farm-raised variety are less bioavailable (usable by the body).
  • Farm-raised tilapia can contribute to inflammation and has less protein than wild tilapia.


3. How to Reduce the Risks of Farm-Raised Fish

The simplest way to reduce your risk of health problems from farm-raised fish is to simply not eat it. Of course, this is easier said than done, considering around 50% of seafood sold in the United States is raised in captivity. Some fish farms have adopted healthier fish raising practices, so the quality of farm-raised fish may improve in the future. In the meantime, there are practical steps you can take to reduce your risk.

  • Shop around. Buy wild-caught fish whenever you can. It may cost a bit more but the increased nutrition and reduced risk of contaminants is worth the price. If you’re in a restaurant, ask the chef or waiter whether the fish was captive or wild.
  • With salmon, check which ocean it comes from. Pacific or Alaskan salmon is usually caught by fisherman in the wild. If the label says “Atlantic Salmon”, it’s usually farm-raised.
  • Certain brands are healthier than others, and certain stores have higher standards than others. Whole Foods for example, has implemented stricter safety standards for how the farm-raised fish they sell are fed and cared for. Avoid buying fish imported from China when possible.
  • The most commonly farm-raised foods are salmon, catfish, tilapia, “sea” bass, and codfish. If you’re buying one of these 5 types of fish, confirm whether it’s wild or captive and if it’s the latter, also check whether it comes from a reputable farm.
  • Consider supplementing with a high-quality fish oil if you don’t have access to good fish on a regular basis.


READ ALSO: Top 15 Contaminated Fish You Shouldn’t be Eating


Do your research, and you can enjoy the amazing health benefits of a diet rich in fish without exposing yourself to needless risk.


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One Comment

  1. Kangiska Garcia

    Jun 26, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    What a bunch of crap! How about some REAL scientific evidence, rather than just quoting other unscientific sites like that moron over at Natural News?? Yes, let’s eat bacon and hot dogs, after the WHO cited studies showing that those two are top colon cancer agents! Apparently, you guys don’t science much, do you?