Is Getting TOO MUCH Sleep Dangerous?

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Most of us know that getting too little sleep is bad for our health. Insufficient sleep has been linked to all kinds of health issues like increased blood pressure, higher risk of heart attack or stroke, a weakened immune system and more. But not many people are aware that getting too much sleep has been linked to its’ own set of health risks. To make matters more confusing, some of these are the same risks caused by getting too little sleep! It seems there definitely is an ideal range of sleep a person needs each day in order to maintain optimal health. We’ll lay out the facts for you here and show you how to optimize your sleep.


How much sleep is too much?

The old axiom is to “get your eight hours” every night to be healthy and focused the next day. Getting less than five hours of sleep on a regular basis is almost universally considered unhealthy, but newer research indicates that getting more than 7-9 hours of sleep per night is unnecessary and could pose potentially serious health risks. The specific amount varies by individual, but most studies indicate nine hours is the upper limit for the safe amount of sleep.


What are the health risks of too much sleep?

1. More weight gain

A Canadian study published in 2013 studied the effects of sleeping more than nine hours each night on 276 adult volunteers for a period of six years. The study found that those individuals showed a higher propensity for weight gain than those who slept for shorter periods of time. Those sleeping more than nine hours nightly were 21 percent more likely to become obese than those who did not.

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