It’s a Fact: Organic Food Really IS Healthier

Dieting. Balanced Diet Based On Raw Organic Vegetables

Photo credit: bigstock

You can control how fast you age by fighting free radicals and that is the job of antioxidants. Since organic foods contain far higher levels of antioxidants, this fact alone means that organic foods are healthier in terms of nutrition, as well as being lower in residual pesticides. This is perhaps why your mother was always after you to eat your fruits and veggies! And if organic produce has more antioxidants, then that fact alone is a valid reason to pay more for them.

The nutritional content of food has been in decline since the introduction of mechanized farming as far back as 1925. For example, apples used to be a good source of iron. Now, to get the same amount of iron you used to obtain from eating one apple back in 1950, you will need to eat as many as 26 apples today!

This is also one of the main reasons that produce simply does not taste as good as it used to. It certainly looks good, yes, but there is a definite lack of flavor, and that is due to the deterioration of the mineral content of the soil. It’s the formation of minerals that gives produce its flavor. A lack of flavor is caused by poor soil.

Strong, healthy soil has a wide variety of microorganisms, and it’s these organisms that carry the stability of the entire ecosystem, not to mention what a plants nutrient uptake will be. The adoption of industrial agriculture practices has destroyed soil microbes that are the mechanism by which minerals in the soils are transferred to plants.

Chemicals used in agriculture destroy the soil by killing off the microbial inhabitants that live there. This is the main problem with modern farm methods and the reason why our produce has a lack of flavor as well as a lack of nutritional quality.  Modern farming methods concentrate entirely too much on size, pest resistance, growth rate, and appearance and not so much on the impact their methods and pesticides have on the soil.

Our “bigger, faster, cheaper, prettier” approach to our crops is draining our planet dry as well as compromising your overall health. In just the past 10 years, there have been more than 100 million tons of herbicides sprayed on our crops and adding toxic chemicals to our dirt and our water supplies. GMO crops are actually speeding up this process by altering the composition of the soil bacteria in the earth where these crops are grown.

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  1. Stephen Jones

    Nov 13, 2014 at 2:06 pm

    Nice article guys. It is vitally important that all GMO foods are labeled.

    • James R.

      Nov 15, 2014 at 2:21 am

      I do not believe they should be labeled….I believe they should never be made in the first place…
      with as much food as is produced here in America, there is no need for GMO foods…
      It just all boils down to a greedy, self centered corporate america that could care less about its people & cares more for the all mighty U.S. Dollar.

  2. James R.

    Nov 15, 2014 at 2:17 am

    and they spent how many MILLIONS of dollars on this study?
    Millions of dollars that could have been spent on the homeless & those that have no food to eat….

    Think about it. You take every day foods that anyone can grow in their garden….
    when you leave out the pesticides, that 1 thing in and of itself, is enough to make the foods healthier.
    This isn’t rocket science, it’s just plain common sense…

    I know, there are those that are majorly lacking in that dept.

    but seriously, everyone with half a brain knows that pesticides are bad for you….

    • Kathleen Boyle

      Nov 23, 2014 at 12:43 am

      Bad? It’s deadly and so are the toxins in the food, I for one am glad they do these studies, although I don’t believe it cost millions, you’re not sick yet so it’s not a reality, I was the same way, now it’s to late for me…No one wants to believe how cruel and greedy people can be, but if you know how to love, make sure you do your homework to keep loved ones alive and well :]