The Magic Of Marjoram Oil

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2. Fighting bacteria and viruses

Marjoram oil has both antiviral and antibacterial properties. Breathing in vaporized marjoram oil may help you to avoid taking sick days during cold and flu season, and topical applications can help ward off bacterial skin infections.


3. Reducing spasms of all kinds

Spasms are involuntary movements of muscles that are often unpleasant and painful. They can also occur in organ systems like the intestines and respiratory system. Luckily, the antispasmodic properties of marjoram oil can provide some relief. This essential oil’s ability to relieve gastrointestinal spasms is also a nice dovetail into the next benefit …


4. Preventing gas and stomachache

Marjoram oil contains compounds which can help the stomach and muscles in the abdominal regions of the body to relax, reducing discomfort and preventing gas (and all the embarrassment that comes with it).


5. Expectorant properties

Marjoram oil is also considered an expectorant, meaning that it helps to clear out your mouth, throat and respiratory system of excess mucus, saliva and phlegm caused by a cold or other respiratory conditions.


6. Marjoram oil also helps to relieve symptoms of irregular menstruation

Women who are coping with irregular periods might find some relief in the form of marjoram oil, which can alleviate some of the pain and other symptoms associated with irregular periods.


7. Relaxation

Vapors from marjoram oil can be soothing and provide relief for people who feel stressed out or anxious.


READ ALSO: A Beginner’s Guide To Essential Oils And Blending Infographic


8. Finally, marjoram oil can also act as a diuretic

This means that it can help clear out bile, uric acid and other toxins from your kidneys, and increase the frequency of urination.

As far as side effects go, marjoram oil has been known to cause sensitive skin and allergic reactions, so some medical professionals like Dr. Joseph Mercola recommend applying a small amount to a small area of skin first to see how you will react before applying it more generously. Using marjoram oil wisely and responsibly should help you avoid any problems. Of course, one should never rely solely on a supplement for treating serious medical conditions. Speak with an aromatherapy specialist and/or dermatologist for proper guidance.


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