Make Your Own Herbal Tinctures for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Get well card, chamomile tea and fresh lemon

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7. Violet Leaf

This herb is different from the others as it won’t necessarily induce sleep but it helps with those feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment that lead to tension. Unlike many pharmaceuticals, violet leaf won’t leave you looking, acting, or feeling like a zombie. Violet leaf is also useful for feelings of grief or loss.


8. Motherwort

The great herb with the funny name. When you think of motherwort, think of the “mother” part; comforting, encouraging, and calming. Motherwort is great for women as it helps to balance out hormones while it helps to dissolve feelings of frustration, anxiety, and irritability. Ladies, if you suffer from PMS, this is the herb you are looking for. As an added bonus, motherwort helps to stop menstrual cramps!


9. Chamomile

Chances are you have seen or used chamomile tea before. It’s perfect for when you want to sleep or to calm down when you are upset. Chamomile is a very mild and very old herb that has been used for centuries to help relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. Clinical trials have shown that chamomile can help those who suffer from general anxiety disorder.


10.  Catnip

Not just for your cat’s enjoyment! Although this gets your cat all excited, for humans catnip helps you not only fall asleep, but stay asleep. It also won’t leave you feeling drowsy in the morning.  If you tend to fall asleep but have difficulty staying asleep due to troubling thoughts, give catnip a try.

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