Mold… Plenty Of Ways To Keep It From Reoccurring!

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Molds (and mildew) are fungi – simple microscopic organisms that grow anywhere in a moist environment. They are widely used in food production and science. However, they can be unwanted in case of damage to property threat. If the mold on your ceilings, walls, or windows is a big concern for you and you wish to keep it from reoccurring (and believe us, it should be if it is there in your home), then you’ll benefit from reading this article till the very end. Mold and mildew exist in all our indoor and outdoor environments, usually in a dormant stage. They are just waiting for the right growing conditions to occur. The main 4 ideal conditions include:

  • Lack of light
  • Lack of air circulation
  • Extensive moisture
  • Heat.

So eliminate at least one of the above mentioned conditions in the first place, and it will make a big deal already.


Mold triggers to avoid

Below we suggest more specified advices about what you can do regularly to make sure that mold does not get any triggers to appear (or re-occur) in your house or a particular room in the first place:

  • However obvious it may sound, but let the fresh air come into your house regularly. You can ensure it by opening the windows and even the doors at least once a day. By doing this, you let the moist air go outside. This is especially vital if you doubt the proper work of your ventilation. The recommended humidity level is under 40 per cent.
  • If the mold has not started to grow, use fans and dehumidifiers, otherwise fans may spread the existing mold.
  • Make sure you do not keep any wet items (like rugs, carpets, bedding, clothing, toys) inside. Opt for the man-made and natural fibers inside moisture prone areas.
  • No way you should try to bring the wet things inside to dry. Dry them out inside your house or a room.
  • Do not ignore damp clothes. Try to dry out these things immediately. Do not pile wet items (like clothing) together. It provokes the mold to grow faster.
  • Clean and disinfect items that are usually wet or can be potentially wet (kitchen and bathroom surfaces, bathroom shelves, sink, etc).
  • Do not support high humidity while cooking. Cooking steam inputs into overall moisturizing inside the house. Use dryer vents and humidifiers. You may want to keep the kitchen window open when cooking extensively.
  • Reduce potential for condensation on cold surfaces (for example, windows) by using proper insulating. In case the condensation does appear, rub it out dry as soon as you notice it.
  • Prevent overflows from sinks or bathtub.
  • If you love to take hot steamy baths, make sure that the moisture in the air does not stay closed in and dense in the bathroom. Open the window in your bathroom first, then open the room door for the temperature in the bathroom and the house to even out.
  • Make sure your vent is working properly. Ventilation is one of the vital things you have to have to keep your house protected from mold.
  • On a routine basis, for instance during your regular clean-up of the room, check potential for the mold spots and disinfect properly. You may want to use one of the homemade cleaning sprays suggested below.
  • Mold grows best in dark areas, so let the sun in. Open your curtains during the day to allow natural light in. Warmth, given by the sun, will also help to dry up any moisture in the house.

There are numerous cleaning tips and liquids you can DIY yourself at home to remove the mold which is starting to grow. Keep reading to find out our top 9 list.

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