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Natural Antibiotics that Kill Superbugs
Longtime readers know that, due to the overuse of antibiotics by people and their over-use on factory farmed animals, todays antibiotics are, unfortunately, becoming less and less effective.
Even though bacteria have been an integral part of life on this plant since the beginning of time, man’s constant exposure of bacteria to antibiotics, (which kill even our “good” bacteria) has now resulted in the creation of “superbugs” that have a natural resistance to antibiotics.

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Keep this in mind the next time you find you need something that will kill these superbugs and keep some of these 10 herbs that will do the job for you naturally.
1. Colloidal Silver
Silver has been used as far back as 1,500 years ago by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, even by the pioneers who first came to America. It’s been used for a variety of illnesses as well as to keep food and liquids from spoiling. Before 1938, when antibiotic use became common, colloidal silver was often used by doctors as their main way of fighting bacteria. Colloidal silver promotes healing in the body, while antibiotics harm our livers and kidneys. Silver stimulates your immune system, making it more active. Silver has been used as a disinfectant in the times before we had antibacterial soaps. Ancient Greeks knew that rich people who used silver utensils and plates had much few incidences of disease. Silver works against every illness and disease, including viruses. It never wears out and bacteria cannot develop a resistance to it. Silver is also not consumed, or used up, so it’s available to work over and over again.
2. Honey
Recent studies from the Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, confirmed what we already know; that raw honey is one of the best all natural antibiotics you can have. One of the most unique properties of honey is that it can fight infection on multiple levels, so this makes it virtually impossible for bacteria to grow a resistance to it. Raw honey has a wide variety of compounds that are toxic to bacterial cells. Honey can actually weaken the strength of bacteria, which means that it can help cause bacteria to become more susceptible to modern day antibiotics. Honey that bees make from manuka flowers is perhaps the most potent of all honeys, but honey of all types, made from all flowers the world over, is still effective at killing these superbugs. This is not something recently learned, either. Honey has been used to fight infection for ages, right up until the introduction of antibiotics. Perhaps it’s time to return to some of the natural things we used to use. Read more about honey and its benefits.
3. Pascalite
This clay is found only in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming but it has some impressive healing powers. When we use it topically, it can literally draw infection out of wounds within days, sometimes even within hours, and cause the wound to heal completely, without scarring. Pascalite was actually recorded as far back as 1930 by a fur trapper named Emile Pascal, who set his traps near a mountain lake in the Big Horn Mountains. He saw many, many animal tracks in that location and, after accidentally getting some pascalite on his chapped hands; he noticed that they healed very quickly. He began experimenting with this clay and soon found that it had a large number of topical uses, everything from burns to healing wounds, to removing infection. As you can see, this healing clay has taken on his name! The crystalline structure of this clay has the ability to store and then re-emit energy. This is according to Harvey C. Lisle, a chemical engineer who specializes in biodynamic.
4. Oil of Oregano
This essential oil is perhaps best known for its bacteria destroying ability, as well as being beneficial in the control of staph infections such as MRSA. Oil of oregano has antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and anti-oxidant compounds. Oregano oil’s germ killing compounds were nearly as effective as many antibiotics, according to a study done in 2001, report the Science Daily Georgetown University. This extract, called carvacrol, can help hospitals and doctors remain free from the dangerous MRSA superbug. In fact, further studies show that Himalayan oregano oil was the most effective strain, more powerful than its European cousin, more effective against MRSA than 18 different antibiotics. Himalayan oregano grows high in the meadows of the mountainous regions of India and, up until recently, was considered nothing much more than a weed. Scientists are now looking into the possibility of using Himalayan oregano oil in products such as soaps, hand washes, and gels that can be used to fight the spread of infection without creating superbugs.
5. Tea Tree Oil
This is another very potent essential oil that has been discovered to be most effective in killing those antibiotic resistant bacteria. It’s important to note that in order to be effective, therapeutic grade tea tree oil must be used. Studies show that tea tree oil ointment, when applied inside the nose, and a body wash that contains this essential oil, can stop the growth of MRSA bacteria. Another study is being conducted to see if washing daily with a soap solution that contains 5 percent tea tree oil will help stop the colonization of bacteria, especially the deadly MRSA bacteria. Several recent studies show that tea tree solution must be at least at a 5 percent concentration to be effective, but at those levels, or higher, tea tree oil kill the bacteria completely and it is not strengthened by the solution. Using lower concentrations of this oil appear to weaken the bacteria, but then give it greater strength, so if you use tea tree oil, be sure to use a minimum of a 5 percent solution.
READ ALSO: 10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Immunity
6. Olive Leaf Extract
This powerful extract has been used for centuries to fight bacterial infection and is now being used to fight MRSA infection in some hospitals in Europe. Olive leaf extract can provide important support to the immune system, while combating antibiotic resistant bacteria’s. Although olive leaf extract isn’t a panacea, it is something virtually everyone should think about taking when you want to optimize your health or fight a powerful infection. Olive leaf extract is of interest to scientists not only because of its antimicrobial activity, but because it appears to be more potent than any other known antimicrobial. This extract can offer all the benefits of being a broad spectrum antimicrobial while not harming beneficial microbes. This means it does not have any side effects, such as many antibiotics do, and won’t lead to secondary infections. Almost nothing can beat olive leaf extract when it comes down to antimicrobial power.
7. Garlic
This super tasty, aromatic seasoning vegetable has been used all over the world not only in foods, but for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It was commonly used in the 1700’s to fight off the black plague. Garlic has strong antifungal, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. Garlic just might be the ultimate natural antibiotic. With every new antibiotic man creates, he also creates a new and stronger superbug. This fact, then, begs the question: what will we do when scientists and doctors find that, one day, they simply cannot create an antibiotic to kill a superbug of epidemic proportion? What happens then? Garlic works as natural antibiotics, which, unlike laboratory made antibiotics, bacteria cannot develop a resistance to no matter how hard or how often they mutate. Garlic has been found to be stronger than penicillin against strep throat and other types of antibiotic resistant germs. It was found to not only kill these superbugs, but to improve the immune system and its ability to naturally fight off these infections diseases, viral and bacterial!
8. Echinacea
Echinacea has been used to treat a wide variety of infections and aging issues for centuries, especially by Native Americans. It was used to treat open wounds, diphtheria, even blood poisoning. Most people today know it only as a tea to treat colds and flu. The roots and the flowers of this beautiful flower (that is related to sunflowers) are also called the purple coneflower, and it makes a powerful medicine to use against the flu, colds, bronchitis, and all kinds of infections. Used for centuries to treat infectious disease and to improve the immune system, extracts of Echinacea are used today to treat AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome. Echinacea stimulates the body’s natural immune system by causing it to increase the activity of white blood cells. One of the great things about Echinacea is that it’s considered to be super safe, even at high doses, even frequent doses.
9. Goldenseal
This is perhaps one of the most popular herbs sold today, especially since it has recently gained a reputation as an herbal antibiotic. This popular immune system enhancer was used by the Native Americans as medication for inflammatory conditions such as digestive, gastrointestinal, or respiratory problems. Goldenseal is often sold in tandem with Echinacea for upper respiratory infections and for flu relief. It’s often suggested that goldenseal enhances the effects of Echinacea, however, both seem to work equally well in and of themselves. In research studies, goldenseal is known to reduce upper respiratory tract infections, as it has anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredient in goldenseal has also been used as a treatment for diarrhea that has been caused by bacterial infections, including the diarrhea caused from cholera. Be careful when buying goldenseal as its recent popularity has demand exceeding supply, so some companies are using substitutions such as Chinese goldthread or Oregon grape. Always buy from a reputable source.
10. Turmeric
This is another popular herb/spice that has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat a variety of infections. It’s highly valued for not only its peppery flavor, but for its many medicinal properties as well. This herb also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities and is well known to very effective when treating bacterial infections. Turmeric can also be used topically for all types of skin lesions, including those caused by MRSA. This is the spice you find in curry, but don’t simply buy curry powder as many of them contain very little turmeric. Always buy pure, organic turmeric. This spice, which comes from India, is often called “the holy powder” because it has so many healthy compounds. It fights cancer, purifies the blood, as well as being a natural antibiotic. It’s interesting to note that in India, where this spice is eaten in large quantities, the top four most common cancers that are found in the USA are nowhere near as common in India. In fact, the risk of developing these cancers in India is 10 times lower than it is in America. So add some spice to your life, as well as healthy compounds, and be liberal with turmeric.
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