Honey the Solution for Super Bugs

The growth of antibiotic resistant super bugs is a real crisis, one that is growing every day. This danger has even been recognized by the federal government as a crisis in the making. Americans over dependence and over use of antibiotics, as well as the sanitization of everything of earth has helped bacteria evolve into “super bugs” that no antibiotic we have can stop. The solution to this problem is a complex one. One part involves reducing our use of antibiotics, but the other includes something as simple as honey.

Susan Mschwitz, Ph.D., presented a study at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society where she states that honeys unique ability to fight infection on multiple levels, makes it very hard for bacteria to develop any type of resistance to it.


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Honey has a variety of components that are toxic to bacterial cells including its high sugar content, hydrogen peroxide, polyphenols, and its osmotic effect. Honey can also weaken a bacterial virulence, meaning that the bacteria can become more susceptible to modern antibiotics.

There have been numerous studies that show that honey acts as a powerful antibiotic. In fact, several studies show that this beautifully natural compound can fight a variety of infections.

Manuka honey was found to be extremely effective in the treatment of antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a very deadly but common super bug. This is according to a study done by the Natural Society.

Still another study reached the same obvious conclusion. Honey, particularly honey that came from bees using manuka flowers, stopped one type of streptococcus pyogenes from stopping the healing of wounds.

Using honey to treat infections is not something new, however.  Honey has been used throughout history to fight infection right up until penicillin was discovered. If the truth was told, honey was used traditionally to fight infections right up until the early 20th century. After the discovery of penicillin, honey was virtually forgotten about. In addition to its powerful antimicrobial properties, honey will stimulate the lymph system in the body. This is important in order for the body’s immune system to fight infection on its own.


SEE ALSO: 12 Beauty Benefits of Honey Infographic


There have been countless studies done that show that honey can be even more powerful than antibiotics when it comes to fighting infections, especially the new superbugs we have created.

Several different honey samples have been tested from around the world to study its effectiveness. All types of honey, made from all different types of flowers, had these antimicrobial properties that proved to be very effective against these antibiotic resistant pathogens.

The University of Fort Hare tested six types of local honey in the South Africa area, against a bacteria that is known to cause ulcers and stomach cancer, Helicobacter pylori. Every single one of these honey samples proved to work against this strain of bacteria.

The topical use of honey to remove and eliminate bacteria from wounds is not only a much cheaper alternative, but it would improve antibiotic therapy in the immediate future. Find out essential oils that help detox and boost immunity.

With the emergence of super bugs, honey is now regaining its place in popularity as the world becomes more aware of the dangers of using pharmaceutical drugs, including the overuse of antibiotics. Read more why antibiotics are bad news for your health.




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